Step 1: Introduction

The facilitator introduces the topic, explains the objective of the training, and sets up ground rules.

Example of Introduction:

Before we get started, I would like to set some ground rules so we can all engage in open and productive dialogue with each other where everyone feels supported and respected.

  1. Be reflective. Consider the impact of your words, and how they might affect your peers.
  2. Take turns, allow everyone a moment to speak, and try not to disrupt others.
  3. Listen actively to other participants, you do not need to respond to their personal stories.
  4. Express disagreement or unproductive behavior in a respectful manner (do not attack the person, discuss the ideas).

Do you have a suggestion for additional rules that can promote open and productive discussion?

First, we will take a few minutes to do some breath work to lower our heart rate and relax our bodies, this is so we can approach the exercise from an open and calm state of mind. Then, we will talk about micro-aggressions, how to set boundaries for them, how to validate ourselves and how to find external support. We will also be roleplaying to practice what we discuss during this training.