In psychology, it is true that people are three-dimensional beings. Our internal emotional imbalance is always present in our physiology as well. For this reason, when strengthening internal resources, we also primarily strengthen the physical component. We can easily say that some body movements add strength, while others take it away. Our posture is actually an important communication tool.
Bodywork is rooted in guiding a person to their goals (stability, strength, …) through touch and movement, and breathwork. It also includes somatic-emotional awareness and trauma release as an invitation to reclaim one’s physical and energetic presence. Psychosomatic therapy works by tapping into mind-body communication.
Anchoring is an NLR (Neuro-linguistic Programming) technique that helps us achieve a certain psychological and physiological emotional state. Of course, the technique requires practice. But, when the thought-emotion-physiology connection has just been established, in a given situation it will be enough to simply repeat the gesture and in this way create the inner harmony and balance (homeostasis) with which the gesture was anchored.