Topic 1 Verbal and Non-verbal Micro-aggressions

The mechanism by which is micro-aggression delivered may go in several ways: interactional (verbal, nonverbal), behavioural or in environmental form.

Verbal and non-verbal micro-aggressions are purposeful and deliberate communications that are meant to cause long-term debilitating and depressing effects in the victim.

Example of verbal micro-aggression is saying: “You are so smart for a girl.”

On the other hand, non-verbal micro-aggression could be rolling eyes only when woman co-worker speaks during meeting.

Categories, in which verbal and non-verbal micro-aggressions are manifested, are:

  • facial expressions;
  • body language;
  • avoidance;
  • ignorance;
  • distancing;
  • pathologizing minority culture or appearance;
  • assumptions about intelligence, competence, status;
  • colour blindness;
  • dangerousness;
  • denial of racism;
  • assumptions of abnormality (LGBT);
  • gender roles prejudicing or stereotyping;
  • sexual objectification;
  • assumptions of criminal status;
  • use of sexist language;
  • behaviour as to second-class citizens;
  • myth of meritocracy (achieving upward social status through one’s own merits regardless of one’s social position).

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