Step 4: Reflection

The facilitator asks everyone to take a deep breath 3 times, then asks the following questions. Allow everyone a moment to answer. Max. 45 minutes.

  • How was this exercise?
  • What was it like to do this exercise within a group? What was the point of that?
  • A micro-aggression is not as noticeable as other forms of aggression. So, what do you think makes it harmful?
  • People who have experienced a micro-aggression are often told to ‘’not make a big deal out of it, and to let it go.’ Do you agree or disagree with this? Why?
  • What was like to raise you hand?
  • What did you learn from this exercise?
  • What kind of thoughts did you notice in your head as we were playing this game?
  • What kind of feelings did you notice in your body as we were playing?
  • Why were those thoughts or feelings there?
  • How does this exercise and what you are learning from this exercise translate into your professional and/or personal life?
  • What will you do differently in the present now that you are aware of micro-aggressions that you have acted out in the past?