Topic 1 What is Ethical Communication?

Ethical communication is a type of communication that is predicated upon certain work related or personal values, such as being truthful, concise, and responsible with one’s words and the resulting actions. As a set of principles, ethical communication understands that one’s thoughts must be conveyed and expressed effectively and concisely, and that the resulting actions or consequences will potentially be based solely on how the message was communicated. Thus, ethical communication defines a framework or set of acceptable communication principles that align with an societal or institution’s overarching code of conduct or code of ethics for certain professions.

Ethical communication dictates that speakers utilize a language that listeners understand and takes into account the level of fluency as well as the language spoken by listeners so that recipients of the communication (whether be spoken or written) are able to fully understand what is being communicated. This art of communication allows people to express themselves in order to develop relationships.