Topic 1 Wide Spectrum of Arguments

Talking about micro-aggression actually means talking not only about its occurrence, but above all about its complexity. Although each single act of micro-aggression may seem small and insignificant, over time, they can accumulate and have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being, sense of belonging, and overall quality of life. In this module, we will focus on these aspects and deepen them in the light of new awareness, both on a personal and socially collective level.

Micro-aggression occurs in a wide spectrum, but the term, although well known among psychologists and “woke” individuals, is largely unknown to most people. To really understand micro-aggression in its wide spectrum it is necessary to point out how important it is to be mindful of the language and the behaviour we use.

There are still several arguments which are brought forward in discussions denying the harmful consequences of micro-aggression. Let us look at some of them: