Topic 1 Recognition of Micro-aggression

The nature of the aggressive messages is invisible and every day. Micro-aggressions are continuing reality for people of colour, women, LGBT, or other marginalized groups. Most people can recognize, define and condemn explicit forms of bias and discrimination. However, the “invisible” manifestations of aggression are not under conscious control and awareness, so they occur spontaneously without checks in social, personal or work-related interactions. The micro-aggressions can occur in variety of relations: employer-employee, neighbours, co-workers, family members, teacher-student. To recognize them, we need to understand how they manifest themselves and what is their impact. That is fundamental for intervention.

The manifestation of micro-aggression is dynamic with very real personal consequences which can only be mitigated if they are recognised in their interactional or environmental form.

Recognition of the micro-aggression is possible in two situations: as an observer between two parties, or if you are involved in as a recipient or perpetrator.

  • If you recognize micro aggressive behaviour as an observer, you may ask yourself: “Should I intervene? If I do, what is the appropriate way to do so? What are the consequences if I take action?”
  • If you are perpetrator delivering micro-aggression, or you are a target, it is important that you recognize it. Self-monitoring, allowing the possibility that you have acted in bias are crucial to recognize such behaviour.

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