Step 3: Statements

Facilitator will gradually share the following statements with participants (or he/she can prepare more accurate statements according to the needs of the group), one at a time and he/she will wait for the participants to take their place:

  • The house is a mess.
  • We have roof over our heads.
  • I got hurt by someone I loved.
  • Life is making me stronger.

Participants will move between the posters after each statement. The pairs of statements refer to the same thing, but one is positive and the other is negative. Both the facilitator and the participants should capture the change of position in the line when the statement changes from negative to positive. Then a discussion can be held about why they have shifted.

The main point of this activity is to develop better understanding of the framing of positive view on things, which could help participants to frame their statements in positive non-micro-aggressive way.

Afterwards facilitator will wrap up the outcomes of this activity.