Step 2: Discussion and Reflection

After viewing the prepared advertising samples, the facilitator stimulates the discussion with analysis questions:

  1. What stereotypes and what kind of messages did you notice in the advertisements?
  2. Why do you think advertisers portray the message in the way they do?
  3. Do you think that such messages are often portrayed in advertisements affect people’s perceptions of social groups? Why or why not?
  4. How many people do you think bought the promotional product?
  5. Where the micro-aggressive effects stand out?
  6. Consider one of the advertisements you watched what do you think how could the advertiser have changed the message to convey the information about the product without using stereotype or micro-aggressive message? Do you think they ad would be more or less effective?


  1. How did you experience the individual advertising message?
  2. What emotions might have arisen with him?
  3. What thoughts were going through your mind?
  4. What new things did you learn and how will you introduce the latter into your life?